Household Protection

Scripture Reading - Acts 11:13-14 KJV

13 And he shewed us how he had seen an angel in his house, which stood and said unto him, Send men to Joppa, and call for Simon, whose surname is Peter;
14 Who shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved.

In a previous lesson we mentioned “Personal Protection” first because it is unreasonable to think that you would believe God to protect your “household” if you don’t even believe God to protect yourself. No, dear faith friend, the principles of God must be a reality in the individual believer first before that same believer can increase their influence to (upon or on the behalf of) others. Notice in today’s verse 14 it first mentions that the head of the house would be saved and all his household. Yes, we know that believing in God is a personal decision but the Father God and our Lord Jesus Christ are both gracious enough to extend their personal plan of salvation for you unto your love ones too. Therefore, in today’s lesson we will discuss your “Household Protection” by God. On purpose we did not say “family protection” because that topic is covered in another message but we specifically said “Household Protection”. The reason “household protection” is slightly different than “family protection” is because the influence of those that are nearby (living in the same house, under the same roof) is always greater than those who are far-off, even if they are family. Of course we (ihlcc) know that the Good Shepherd, our Lord Jesus Christ, has no physical boundaries or spiritual limitations but He is somewhat constrained by the will of man. For example, those in your same “house” can more easily express what they think about certain situations whether good or bad. This exchange of thoughts and ideas can result in the Lord Jesus and Father God having more direct influence whereas when someone has moved away from you, you might not know when you will speak with them next. Can God speak to them personally/individually? Yes and Amen, but if the Lord is speaking to their heart and they don’t understand it was Him speaking inside of them they might not listen. Remember, Eli had to help Samuel hear from God at first (when he was young in the Lord).-Refer to 1 Samuel 3:1-18 It is the blessing of God to surround yourself with people who are sensitive to the Lord because those near ones can help you in your understanding of God and they can also help you in accurately hearing from God. Typically, those who exercise authority in their “own house” have a greater authority because they are present and part owners. Generally residents of their own house are both compassionate and confident in believing for God to touch (save, enlighten, protect, help, rescue, heal, etc…) a person they stay with (live with). Plus generally those of your household are close enough to you that you can spiritually assess their progress and encourage them as necessary. Yes, “praying over your household” is both scriptural and right if you know your position in Christ Jesus. As a born-again child of God you have the Name of Jesus (and The Blood of Jesus) at the tip of your tongue 24/7 (twenty four hours a day for all seven days of the week). You must be willing to exercise this authority all the time to see the awesome results of God. The Lord Jesus Christ gave you His Name to speak against the powers of darkness. The unlimited power in the Name of Jesus is beyond our natural comprehension but we do find some understanding from the Holy Word of God. Jesus was given a Name above all names in Philippians 2:5-13 for us to use when we have need of it. We also note that Jesus Himself said, “In My Name you shall cast out devils, heal the sick and speak with new tongues” according to Mark 16:17-18. Yes, our dear faith friend, the power of life and death is resident in your words.-Refer to Proverbs 18:21 Therefore what you say out loud is crucial which means what you believe in your heart inwardly is just as crucial. We (ihlcc) are attempting to stir up your mind concerning the “Authority of the Believer” because no one can exercise authority they are ignorant of. We must be wise in understanding the spiritual principles of God (The Holy Bible) to overcome all the works of the devil. Yes, you must be thoroughly convinced that when you speak the Name of Jesus out of your mouth that all of Heaven (God, our Loving Heavenly Father and His All Powerful Son, Jesus Christ) endorses that decision and will certainly backup your words spoken in His Awesome Name. Yes, if you have the confidence to literally take God at His Word the Lord Himself will make good on your words spoken from your heart in His Name. Remember, in Mark 16 verse 20 that the Lord worked with the disciples everywhere they went confirming the word (His Words and their words of God) with signs following (total confirmation, tangible results). It is definitely God’s Will for you to take the Name of Jesus and the Blood of Jesus as your personal protection in these dark times but it is equally as important for you to exercise this same authority over the people in your “household” because just maybe if you don’t do it no one else down here on earth will. You are anointed and appointed to give Jesus Voice and Place upon this earth, so start speaking God’s Will of protection over your “household” because we (ihlcc) are sure it will bless them (the house members) and bless you too (a sense of satisfaction and empowerment) and ultimately this type of obedience to God’s Word will bless God, The Father also in the Wonderful Name of Jesus. Amen!